Prairie Owl Sighting at the Farm; Intriguing Blizzard Rescue Story
Farmer Harry shared this magical owl story with us and we thought others might enjoy it, too. It's a quick and inspiring read! After several sightings of short-eared owls at the farm this week (otherwise known as grass owls, marsh owls, or prairie owls), it really captured our fancy!
Repeatedly, we have witnessed owls roosting in the farm's fields and soaring up high above us. In their surreal glory, owls remind us that wild animals still have power around our lands. We do not control everything, but the wild is greater than us, influencing the land, too.
The Owl can be a symbol of spiritual truth & protection. More literally, owls in pasture - similar to snakes- are a sign that the ecosystem can support a great predator, feeding off the abundance of smaller critters lower in the food chain (smaller birds, small snakes, field mice, etc. around). Mint Creek guard dogs (Leroy & Odin) protect the chickens from getting swooped up by owls, or else the hens would be at risk of owl attack. But with the guard dogs to defend the hens from these impressive, predatory birds, we view owls with pure delight, gratitude, and reverence.
Short Eared Owl Sighting!