Core Principles of Our Farming Practices

Nature is our guide.

The farming philosophy here at Mint Creek has some foundational principles that make our farm unique and at the heart of regenerative farming.

Our animals rotationally graze together symbiotically on restored native pasture to support a biodiverse ecosystem while enriching and fertilizing the land.

Foraging and pasture-centered grazing allows for the most wild-like feeding that nature intended for our animals, which in turn creates the most nutritionally dense meat.

Nature is our model in everything we do and the closer we mirror Nature in our farming practices, the better we can support the Earth and our animals.

This dedication to our farming philosophy is incredibly unique and rare in the Midwest. It entails lots of extra work and deep care for our farm, but our passion guides us through to provide this service to our community.


Sheep Corral at Mint Creek


Stewing Hen Cooking Tips